Monday, February 17, 2014

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Advertising Mediums


“Advertising is paid non personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience” advertising is complex because to reach different type of audience diverse type of advertising is required. Brand advertising is for national consumer, which focuses on the development of a long term brand identity and image. Retailer advertising focus on the store where variety of products can be purchased or where services are offered retail advertising. Political advertising is used by Politician to persuade people to vote for them. Directory advertising refers to find out how to buy a product or services. Direct response advertising includes messages directed at retailer wholesaler and professional. Institutional advertising is also called corporate advertising. Public service advertising communicates a message on behalf of some cause, such as stopping drunk driving or preventing child a abuse.(William., John & Sandra., 1995)

Advertising is one of the most expensive activity of marketing, advertising create tangible and intangible value. To check advertising effectiveness they take angles, employees distinct approaches, and generate separate knowledge bodies to interpret advertising. Marketers largely on two type of advertising affects, intermediate effects which refers to changes in consumer belief and attitudes, which relate to brand choice and purchase of consumer. Advertising has persistence affect on sales, sales and market share can be captured by behavioral effect. Through advertising it can create knowledge about the product and reinforce to purchase the product to consumer, advertising create a mind setup to store information in memory, its strengths of association decays very slowly.  ( Fang., et al., 2009)

The objective of marketing is to boosting the trade activities. Marketing activities bring changes and modification in the economic environment of the world, every country is trying to get the competitive edge through use of marketing science. Through use of marketing or advertising one can easily communicate and connected  with the clients, to catch customer attraction is the most important aim of  the organization through which organizations  increase the profitability.advertising and promotion campaigns have strong on market rivalry, when a new product is introduced in market advertising boost the  product to move through its life cycle. Advertising tools are effective to increase revenue. To promote sale marketers use many motivational method for making many belonging to sales to consumers, the advertisement characteristics included size, color, and logo. Effectiveness of promotional media plays a important role to increase the demand, such as magazines, radio, direct mail, newspapers, television, and outside formats billboards and banners. The increase in sales is due to targeted segmentation of advertising, Strong brand loyalty can be achieved by advertising. both print media and electronic media had played a vital role in changing our ways of life and purchasing decision.( al, 2013)

Most manufacturing industries largely focus on the impact of advertising on industries profitability; through this study I will be able to examine the effect the advertising expenditure for the medium which is used as advertising medium (TV, radio, magazine and newspaper) as we that each medium vary from each other regarding their information it provides, To study the affect of each media advertising on market performance of companies. For the promotion of any industries where advertising seems to play an important role. Printed advertising is more informative compared to persuasive television advertising. Their for people use to search goods more in newspapers and magazines and less on television and radio. Because in printed media provide detailed information such as prices and quality characteristics. Advertising increase the number of substitutes known to the buyers, through use of advertisement companies increase the brand loyalty as well as the demand of the product, advertising increase the profit margin and persuasive advertising increase price for the consumer. According to porters advertising on magazine is more effective than on television, while Ackoff and Emshoff (1975) found that newspaper and radio advertising is less powerfuk too than television advertising.( Ourania and Kostas 2001­)

Know the global trade has change both in magnitude and orientation. The rapid transformation created enormous market opportunities for entrepreneur around the globe. by changing economies which improves the standard of living and quality of life,. Turkish entrepreneur get the knowledge and increase their market share to export their goods, variety of good and services are not available their in the earlier but entrepreneur in the region start suitcase trade with turkey. Entrepreneur provides very valuable information to be used in the development and implementation of their marketing strategies. With the changing world their they face increasing competition in the domestic markets.( Erdener. Ali & Serkan.,2009)

Manufacturer focused on locally promotion tools, which are easily ranging from the circular of retailer and local news papers to reduced rate television advertising, in the innovation of information technology it make the retailers ability to provide benefit and it also enhanced the local information. the total advertising expenses in 2000 were $15 billion, as compare to $900 million in 1970, nearly a four-fold increase in real terms. ( Matthew., 2006)

In recent research it came in knowledge that the milk sale decline, highlighting the risk inherent in not advertising, in another case study it is found that the brand awareness did not decline immediately or gradually after advertising has stopped, but it dropped sharply after several months. it is also noticed that brand awareness decline immediately in the absence of advertising. We did not understanding of the effect of cessation of advertising on the erosion of awareness, awareness of well known brands are decline due to last longer of advertising, it is noticed that awareness refers to the ad awareness, consumer forget ad instantly, over and again advertising create intangible brand image in the mind of the consumer. Awareness decrease in the absence of advertising at the proportional to the current awareness level.(Ashwin  & Prasad., 2011)

Through this study we will able to assess the impact of advertising campaigns on sales and profits. Advertising is considered more successful for small brands or new brands; the leader is more receptive to the long term effect of advertising compared to its competitors, it is not possible to measure the impact of advertising campaign in term if media, cost, copy etc. advertising effectiveness vary from campaign to campaign, (Philippe & Anne., 2013)