Monday, March 31, 2014

Entreprenurial Risk and What Kinds of Risk Entrepreneours Face

Risk and Risk Taking:

Despite the variance in all the definitions of entrepreneurship, one common theme found in the entrepreneurship literature revolves around differences in the predisposition among entrepreneurs toward risk-taking. Risk-taking propensities differ from business to business and from individual to individual, although it is clear that without it, entrepreneurship would not be an object of fascination to the same extent as it is today. Risk-taking propensity could effectively be conceptualized as an individuals’ orientation toward taking chances in any decision-making scenario.

The total risk management in a business could be seen from a number of different perspectives; strategic-, tactical- and operational risk management. The strategic focuses on risks from the business’ strategic goals which could include new types of risks in itself (launching a new product on a new market, new innovations, etc.). The tactical risk management aims to handle the tactical decisions of the business and thereby takes responsibility for handling the risks associated with the yearly planning. The operational risk management is related to the daily operations of the business (Wendestam, 2008).

For the sociologist Niklas Luhmann the term 'risk' is a neologism that appeared with the transition from traditional to modern society. "In the Middle Ages the term residuum was used in highly specific contexts, above all sea trade and its ensuing legal problems of loss and damage." In the vernacular languages of the 16th century the words rischio and riezgo were used. This was introduced to continental Europe, through interaction with Middle Eastern and North African Arab traders. In the English language the term risk appeared only in the 17th century, and "seems to be imported from continental Europe." When the terminology of risk took ground, it replaced the older notion that thought "in terms of good and bad fortune." Niklas Luhmann (1996) seeks to explain this transition:

"Perhaps, this was simply a loss of plausibility of the old rhetoric's of Fortuna as an allegorical figure of religious content and of prudential as a (noble) virtue in the emerging commercial society." Risk-taking refers to the tendency to engage in behaviors that have the potential to be harmful or dangerous, yet at the same time provide the opportunity for some kind of outcome that can be perceived as positive. Driving fast or engaging in substance use would be examples of risk-taking behavior. They may bring about positive feelings in-the-moment. However, they can also put you at risk for serious harm, such as an accident.

Entrepreneurship and Risk taking:

Entrepreneurship is a process in which the entrepreneur establishes new jobs and firms, new Creative and growing organizations associated with risk – taking by new and creative ideas and entrepreneurship identification of the new opportunities and resources mobilization. It results in introducing a new product or service to society. In Britain encyclopedia entrepreneur means "a person who organizes and manages a job or economic association and receives its risks". The origin of word entrepreneurship is French. This word is equivalent of French Enterprendre and English undertake that was translated to Entrepreneurship in English by John Stewart Mill.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Role of Entrepreneurs and its Motivation

Roles of entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs occupy a central position in a market economy. For it's the entrepreneurs who serve as the spark plug in the economy's engine, activating and stimulating all economic activity. The economic success of nations worldwide is the result of encouraging and rewarding the entrepreneurial instinct (Bygrave & Hofer, 1991).
A society is prosperous only to the degree to which it rewards and encourages entrepreneurial activity because it is the entrepreneurs and their activities that are the critical determinant of the level of success, prosperity, growth and opportunity in any economy. The most dynamic societies in the world are the ones that have the most entrepreneurs, plus the economic and legal structure to encourage and motivate entrepreneurs to greater activities (Campbell, 1992).
The role of the entrepreneur can be seen from the perspective of two important theories: economic theory and empirical theory (Rapaso, Do Paco & Ferreira, 2008). According to (Davidsson & Wiklund, 1999) the roles of entrepreneurs according to the economics theory are following:
·         the person who undertakes risk associated with uncertainty
·         the person who supplies the financial capital
·         innovator
·         decision maker
·         industrial leader
·         manager
·         organizer of economic resources
·         business owner
·         locator of resources
According to (McClelland, 1961) an entrepreneur has following roles:
·         original and innovative
·         takes individual responsibility
·         plans on long term basis

2.1.4 Entrepreneurial motivation

There are numbers of motivational variables which develop the intention of students to create his/her venture. These variables can be categorized into demographic variables and psychographic variables. The literature on entrepreneurial motivation is scare and fragmented. Entrepreneurial motivations refer to the desire or tendency to organize, manipulate and master organizations, human beings or ideas as quickly and independently as possible (Johnson, 2005). Individuals with high-entrepreneurial motivation are to be more likely to become entrepreneurs (Shane et al., 2003).
Beliefs which are related to perceived high-entrepreneurial motivation on a country-wide level may promote individuals’ attitude towards entrepreneurship. Beliefs related to the role of formal and informal institutional environments may influence individuals’ attitudes towards entrepreneurship. If a person believes that the outcome of his/her entrepreneurship activity in a given environment will be desirable, they are likely to have a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship (Lent et al, 2000). If a person perceives doing business in a country as being difficult,  unattractive, risky, or bringing low benefits, his/her attitude towards entrepreneurship might be negative (Bullvag et al, 2010).
(Benzing, Chu & Kara, 2005) in their study of entrepreneurs in Turkey stated that, among other things, presented a comparative results of numerous research on entrepreneurs’ motivating factors in different countries. In Romania, income and job security needs were stronger motivators than self-satisfaction and personal needs. On the other hand, entrepreneurs in India were most strongly motivated by the desire for autonomy and then to increase their income.
Ugandan entrepreneurs are motivated by “making money” (Bewayo, 1995). A study of entrepreneurs in Kenya and Ghana found that the strongest two motivators for the entrepreneurship were to increase income and to provide employment to them (Chu, Benzing, & McGee, 2007).  The research found that microenterprise owners in West Africa were motivated by a desire to satisfy psychological needs – food and shelter (Roy and Wheeler, 2006).
Motivations are not the only things that influence these transitions. Cognitive factors, knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), certainly matter. Allocation is the result of the combination or integration motivation and cognition. First, the entrepreneurs need to have some knowledge, especially of the industry and of any relevant technology that is critical to success. The necessary skills will depend on the circumstances, but they may include such factors as selling and bargaining, leadership, planning, decision making, problem solving, team building, communication, and conflict management. Third, the entrepreneur needs to have the requisite abilities, including intelligence (Schmiemann, 2008).
According to (Roy and Wheeler, 2006) Environmental conditions also matters. First, opportunities may interact in interesting ways with the attributes of people. Second, the willingness to engage in entrepreneurial activities depends on such things as the legal system of the country in which the entrepreneur operates, the age of the industry, the available capital in the economy, the condition of capital markets, and the state of overall economy. We believe that these factors are important, but that it might also interesting to know whether motivations of particular people lead to different types of entrepreneurial action under different environmental conditions.
According to (Baum, 2004) profit is one the most leading reason which motivates people to become an entrepreneur. But there are several other factors which motivate people to become an entrepreneur in such as high profit maximization. These are many other factors which effects motivation so more information is needed to be known.
The entrepreneurial motivations determine the entrepreneurial process. Although the role of the environment and opportunities is important, the role of humans and motivation not get much attention. Entrepreneurial motivations are classified into two, namely: general and task-specific. Motivation general consists of; need for achievement, locus of control, vision, desire for independence, passion, drive. Meanwhile, specific task consists of; goal-setting, and self-efficacy. Both types of motivation determine the understanding and development opportunities so as to achieve success in the entrepreneurial process. Motivation has an important role in predicting the desire to be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship involves human role. The process of entrepreneurial occurs because people act to pursue opportunities. Human motivation determines the decision to become an entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial process. The differences will affect the entrepreneurial motivation. The external environment which consists of the business environment, socio-cultural factors, and external conflict nations can encourage and motivate entrepreneurs (Shane et al., 2003).
There are several inter and external factors which motivate people to become entrepreneur. The internal factor includes; Educational background, Occupational experience, Desire to do something pioneering and innovative, Desire to be free and independent and Family background. Internal factors constitute the personality of the entrepreneur and thereby generate an inclination to adopt entrepreneurial activity. Among the internal motivating factors, the desire to do something creative is important. It means the desire to make a contribution to the development of the state, to introduce an entirely new product in the market, to place the home town on the country’s industrial map, to make full use of technical skills, to provide employment to intelligent young men and women in the community, etc  (Krishna, 2013).
The factors which externally increase the motivation of people to become entrepreneur include:
Assistance from Government, financial assistance from institutions, availability of technology and / or raw materials, encouragement from big business units and heavy demand for product. Among the external factors, assistance from financial and other Governmental institutions has been rated the strongest motivator. Other factors include availability of surplus funds, sick units being available at a cheap price, success stories of first generation entrepreneurs, support of friends and relatives etc. in some cases there may be compelling reasons like loss of job, death of the father, dissatisfaction with the job held, etc., prompting people to launch their own industries  (Krishna, 2013).
Peoples are motivated by the reward structure in the economy. This economic perspective on new venture initiation focuses on the usefulness, utility, or desirability of an entrepreneurial career. People would become entrepreneurs if the expected rewards surpass the wages of employment. Because expected rewards depended on assessments of individual ability and attitudes towards risk, perceptions of entrepreneurial feasibility were included. People may be motivated to become entrepreneurs if they believe self-employment is more likely than working for others to lead to valued outcomes. It seemed to us that the motivation to become an entrepreneur is driven by the difference between the desirability of self-employment and the desirability of working for others (Schoenfeld, Borgia, & Segal, 2005)
(Robichaud, McGraw and Roger, 2001) have studied North American entrepreneurs and have grouped motivational factors into four categories. Extrinsic rewards which are source of motivation are for economic reasons and Independence/ autonomy. Intrinsic rewards are source of motivation which includes: self-fulfillment and growth and Family security. 
(Wang, Walker & Redmond, 2006) did a study on motivations of small business owners in Western Australia, and pointed 17 motivational factors into four groups: Personal development motivations, financial motivations, Motivations related to work and family and Flexible lifestyle motivations.
(Kirkwood, 2009) did a similar study on entrepreneurs in New Zealand and mentions that there are four key drivers of entrepreneurial motivation. The first is the desire to be independent. This is cited as the number one motivating factor for many people in becoming entrepreneur. The second is monetary gain.  People are not always motivated by money but it is found to be an important motivational factor for entrepreneurship. The third relates to issues around work, issues such as unemployment, redundancy and lack of job prospects. The fourth key driver involves family-related factors such as a desire for work-family balance.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Entreprenourial Concept

Concept of Entrepreneurship:

Entrepreneur previously defined as individual working for levering life standards by founding personal job may differ from entrepreneur of today in terms of risk carried, risk coefficient an ability to generate an idea and to convert the idea into output. Traditionally, definition of entrepreneurship is based on activity of undertaking risk. First issue emphasized, when professional managers are discriminated from entrepreneurs particularly in business activities, is that on the contrary to managers, entrepreneurs undertake profit/loss risk themselves. However, economic risk is only a dimension for entrepreneurs; in uncertain environments, career risk, social risks, psychological and physical risks are often associated with economic risks (Brochaus, 1980:510; Pandeliau, 1998; Busenitz, 1999; Littunen,2000:295).

Entrepreneur is an individual who combines a business idea in the form of creating a new market or benefiting from an opportunity caused by deficient aspect of present market with components of risk and capital. Moreover, entrepreneur manages a particular process. This process involves a production range starting with entrepreneur and completing with staff. As a consequence of all risk undertaken, entrepreneur waits for success or wants to reach initially defined targets. Nevertheless, failure is also a possibility and in this case, risk may convert into dark face of entrepreneurship (Kuratko and Hodgetts, 1998:106). Therefore, endurance to the uncertainty is one of basic roles played by entrepreneur (Teoh and Foo, 1997).

One of most significant features of entrepreneur individual is the ambition to take risk. Entrepreneurship is regarded as principal factor for economic growth, creating employment and social progression. Camphell stated that entrepreneurship activities involve risk and uncertainty due to its very nature and decision to be an entrepreneur is alone more risky than other alternatives and added that the event is not shaped solely by psychological factors, but external factors promoting start of the entrepreneurship activities are also important (Erdem, 2001).

Type Of Indoor and Out Door Advertising Mediums Used by Business Mens

Indoor advertising media

1. Press media                      2. Radio media

3. Television media              4. Film media

5. Video media

 Outdoor advertising media

1. Poster                                 2. Painted display

3. Traveling displays             4. Electric signs

 Indoor media

Indoor advertising means the use of those advertisers that carry the message right in the house or indoor of the audience


Newspaper is one of those which give news-views ideas, interpretation, opinion, comments and explanation regarding the social, economical, political, educational, moral, cultural, ecological, meteorological development and the like. Newspaper is consider to be the back bone of advertising programe and it is consider to be the most powerful message carrier. Of the total space, 45 percent of goes to advertisements in one form or the other and the rest for texture matter.megazine are the one of the oldest media advertising. Magazine are the periodicals published weekly, monthly, fort- nightly, annually and quarterly. 

Radio/broadcast advertising

Radio advertising can be called as word of mouth, it is a different medium as it appeals more to ear than the eyes through sound. In spite of the strong competitor namely television, still it is a vital medium of advertising.  

Television telecasting advertising

Television telecasting advertising is considered to be the gift of this century. Broadly there are two types of advertising namely, program or sponsored program and announcement. in sponsor advertiser pay for the time. The television advertisements are called as television commercials, lasting for 10, 15, 20 and 30 second.

Film advertising

Film advertising is another medium of publicity characterized by sound, motion, colour, vision and timeliness. It is like a television run on the enlarged screen for large audience. Screen publicity is liked by people of all age, sex, profession, political affiliation, cultural heritage and income groups because of its magic of life size presentation of the theme.

Outdoor advertising

Outdoor advertising is the only one of its kind that has been carried for ages. Outdoor advertising is one which is clothed with people who move out of the doors. Outdoor advertising messages are placed in the strategic locations where they exposed the audience on the move. (sontakki.C.N., 2006)


A poster is a sheet of paper pasted on a wooden card or metal board depicted the advertising message. Poster is the single largest form of outdoor media accounting for 75 percent of this media.

The success of advertising depends on two factors namely:

       I.            Designing the poster.

    II.            Selection of its site.

 Painted displays

Painted display is the painted bulletins and wall painting. A painted bulletin in nothing but a metal sheet of a rectangular shape of a standard size, erected at heights to command the visibility from a distance.

 Traveling display

Traveling display is refer to the transit advertising. It stand for all type of advertising signs or displays used in trains, buses autos and other such transportation vehicles and the terminals or the stations from which they operate.


Book-let is very small advertising book which is not more than 8 to 10 pages fastened with staples or glue to allow it to open as a book.


Catalogues is quite similar to the book let in physical make up except that it is much larger and presents wider range of products of the business house. (sontakki.C.N., 2006)

Exhibition and trade fairs

Exhibition is in effect, a congregation of show rooms of different manufacturers under a single roof. Exhibition is normally organized by trade associations and chamber of commerce government is taking keen interest in these. Exhibition attracts the dealers and consumers towards the latest products in the line by providing detailed information and demonstration.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Effect Of Advertising On The Earnings Of The Small and Medium Type Entreprenours

Altering advertising activities to affect earnings

Managers are interested in increasing short term earnings to achieve their goals they either increase or decrease advertising. Reducing the advertising to meet financial reporting benchmarks. Reduction in advertising expenses can decrease in the sales in the current period, the decrease in the operation expenses leads to increase in current report earnings. The direct effect of advertising increased advertising is a reduction in short term earnings. To achieve a net increase in current earnings, the impact of advertising on sales and earning has to offset the direct reduction in earnings.

Timing of advertising activities

By using monthly advertising data examine the timing of altering discretionary expenses. To minimize the deviation costs, manager much have information as possible about the difference between current firm performance and the desired earnings benchmark. The information which you gain is more complete towards the ends of a fiscal period, manager get more information to alter their real activities. To collect the given information managers don’t take enough time and they choose the real actions that require the least amount of lag time for execution. Advertising activities require shorter lag time between the decision and execution time.

 The marketing approach

The focus of marketing research is to study the effect of advertising in the consumer mind set and market performance, marketing research also conclude that advertising changes consumer mindset ( such as cognition, affect and experience), and behavior. Short term advertising cause long term effects. In research it is noticed that short term advertising decays quickly. Decaying behavior may be due to the low attitude behavioral consistency. Fact that reinforcement and habitual loyalty effects are than the effect of advertising, marketing managers some times design advertising programme that solely to increase the brand awareness and improve the brand attitude without considering the instant sales of product. Advertising basically provide the knowledge and brand attitude. brand awareness is the brand exposer and experiences which is gain by the consumer, advertising provide the brand familiarity brand recognition improves future advertising effectiveness.

Outdoor Advertising and its Influence on Consumers

outdoor advertising is a potent tool of marketing and a component of overall promotion activities. The marketing operation of any business is guided by its market plan which has the best possible mix of four variables, namely, the nature of the product, the price if the product, the channels of distribution which take the product to the consumer and the promotional activities. With the help of marketing research, the advertiser is the knowledge and data about the consumer, the product, and the market. These data are about the consumers, who they are, what are their needs, what is their buying behavior, what are the product qualities desired by them, who are the competitors and the extent of competition, and a great deal more information. These are useful in planning advertising programmers, and in selecting the type of media to be employed. In advertising terms, medium is a channel of communication, some examples of advertising media are newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and internet. A medium is a vehicle through which an ad is carried to the consumer. It is the mediator between the creator of the ad at one end and the consumer at the other.

Media too have a market their own and work hard to sell their media related services. Newspapers try to increase their circulation while electronic media try to get more viewership and listenership. Once a medium has been established with a significant audience, it is in a stronger position to attract advertisers to their medium. Advertisers are constantly on the lookout for such audiences to put across their promotional messages. Types of media Effective advertising refers to informing the public about the right product at the right time through the right medium. Conveying the right message at the wrong time or through the wrong medium would be a waste of resources. Therefore, the right media selection is the crux of the success of the entire ad campaign. However, the right message, time and place are also equally important. Media selection decision refers to only the selection of a specific medium of advertising, such as newspaper, or magazine or radio or TV, or outdoor advertising. On the other hand media planning is a general term encompassing decisions involving the time and place of advertising in addition to the selection of the medium. A media plan outlines how advertising time and space in various Media Print Newspapers  Magazines Direct Mail Electronic TV Radio CinemaOutdoorBillboards/BannersDigitalHoardingsTransitadvertisingOther media

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Effects of Advertising on Report Earnings

The advertising setting
Managers are keen to altering their operation decision to achieve their short term goals, 2 limitations to such an interpretation. First studies pool all discretionary expenses together by adding R & D , advertising expenses. It is not clear which discretionary expenses are subject to change and in which direction. Their have different implications on short term earnings. Compared with R&D, advertising have a more and immediate impact on sales. Manager increase advertising to generate a positive short term response in revenues and earnings.

 Altering advertising activities to affect earnings
Managers are interested in increasing short term earnings to achieve their goals they either increase or decrease advertising. Reducing the advertising to meet financial reporting benchmarks. Reduction in advertising expenses can decrease in the sales in the current period, the decrease in the operation expenses leads to increase in current report earnings. The direct effect of advertising increased advertising is a reduction in short term earnings. To achieve a net increase in current earnings, the impact of advertising on sales and earning has to offset the direct reduction in earnings. 

Timing of advertising activities
By using monthly advertising data examine the timing of altering discretionary expenses. To minimize the deviation costs, manager much have information as possible about the difference between current firm performance and the desired earnings benchmark. The information which you gain is more complete towards the ends of a fiscal period, manager get more information to alter their real activities. To collect the given information managers don’t take enough time and they choose the real actions that require the least amount of lag time for execution. Advertising activities require shorter lag time between the decision and execution time.

The marketing approach
The focus of marketing research is to study the effect of advertising in the consumer mind set and market performance, marketing research also conclude that advertising changes consumer mindset ( such as cognition, affect and experience), and behavior. Short term advertising cause long term effects. In research it is noticed that short term advertising decays quickly. Decaying behavior may be due to the low attitude behavioral consistency. Fact that reinforcement and habitual loyalty effects are than the effect of advertising, marketing managers some times design advertising programme that solely to increase the brand awareness and improve the brand attitude without considering the instant sales of product. Advertising basically provide the knowledge and brand attitude. brand awareness is the brand exposer and experiences which is gain by the consumer, advertising provide the brand familiarity brand recognition improves future advertising effectiveness. 

success factors of motion pictures
There are  three groups movies drive has been identified by the extant research namely movie characteristics, post filming marketing studio actions and non marketing studio factors. Movie is based on the familiar story or other cultural element. The actions discussed include the movies budget, advertising expenditure, timing and the screens. The no of researchers have reported a positive correlation of movie budget with box office. studio distribution activities and more specifically their timing policy have also been shown to correlate with movie box office.non studio factors is product of high societal interest and involvement, movie success is also influenced by a number of factors over which the producing studio has no or only limited direct control.

Monday, March 24, 2014

firm performance in e marketing age and spending on advertising

In e commerce over past 2 decades businesses provide an unpredictable marketing opportunities, the network comscore online sales of U.S products in 2007 reached $136.4 billion, 20% increase over the 2006 and in 2010 the sale increase to $176.9 billion. The European online sales reached to 323 billion Euros in 2011. In the new business world the e marketing has become the prevalent channels. To increase its importance the channel coordination through cooperative advertising between the retailer and its manufacturers. Co operational advertising plays important role in promotion of manufacturers retailers and retailer customers. The expenditure for cooperative advertising in U.S was $50 billion more recently. The increase in spending in cooperative, advertising has motivates us to explore more research. Advertising campaign create product attitude and to influence the potential consumers to purchase its product.

Advertising spending and firm value
It is suggested by all the SBUs that advertising spending have direct and indirect affect of firm’s sales and financial value. Advertising may generate favorable responses such as greater market awareness, quality competitiveness, customer preferences and brand image. To gain customer attention and bestow value to brands advertising may build creativity, firms increase the ads when the brand is under pressure to perform and gain customer equity and brand value. brand awareness, brand value and advertising in turn boost future sales and profits of the firm. Advertising faster penetrate the market and accelerate the velocity of consumer response, for the new product advertising develop instant awareness that may leads to more and faster cash flows. Advertising create a barrier to competition, provide bargaining power vis-à-vis, all of these benefits of advertising enable the firms to enjoy higher financial value. Advertising may decrease the investors search cost and signals firms specific competitiveness regarding its existing products and new projects.

The outcome expectancy path  
Advertising perception and expectancies it is easier to sell someone who has favorable impression of the brand offered, sale representative are more concern about the attitude of the customer towards brands that they are selling. Sale persons are concerned with and from the judgments about the quality and quantity of advertising in the market. The perceived size of the media schedule. To signaling the company’s commitment behind the brand, strong level of advertising and appealing message are important to the salesperson because this increase In chance that customer will aware about the brand favorably predisposed toward it. their are two type of consumer one who is the retailer, the retailer determine whether and how the brand is made available and represented to the customer at the point of purchase. The failure success of brand is the ultimate response of the final user of the product as they demonstrated through buying behavior.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

marketing activities

Altering advertising activities to affect earnings

Managers are interested in increasing short term earnings to achieve their goals they either increase or decrease advertising. Reducing the advertising to meet financial reporting benchmarks. Reduction in advertising expenses can decrease in the sales in the current period, the decrease in the operation expenses leads to increase in current report earnings. The direct effect of advertising increased advertising is a reduction in short term earnings. To achieve a net increase in current earnings, the impact of advertising on sales and earning has to offset the direct reduction in earnings.

Timing of advertising activities

By using monthly advertising data examine the timing of altering discretionary expenses. To minimize the deviation costs, manager much have information as possible about the difference between current firm performance and the desired earnings benchmark. The information which you gain is more complete towards the ends of a fiscal period, manager get more information to alter their real activities. To collect the given information managers don’t take enough time and they choose the real actions that require the least amount of lag time for execution. Advertising activities require shorter lag time between the decision and execution time.

The marketing approach

The focus of marketing research is to study the effect of advertising in the consumer mind set and market performance, marketing research also conclude that advertising changes consumer mindset ( such as cognition, affect and experience), and behavior. Short term advertising cause long term effects. In research it is noticed that short term advertising decays quickly. Decaying behavior may be due to the low attitude behavioral consistency. Fact that reinforcement and habitual loyalty effects are than the effect of advertising, marketing managers some times design advertising programme that solely to increase the brand awareness and improve the brand attitude without considering the instant sales of product. Advertising basically provide the knowledge and brand attitude. brand awareness is the brand exposer and experiences which is gain by the consumer, advertising provide the brand familiarity brand recognition improves future advertising effectiveness.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

comparision of online and banner ads

Online advertising  

The modern and updated source of advertising is internet, internet has open a vide variety of research streams based on single click a lot of data is presented. Consumer focusing on browsing and purchasing, consumer gets the detailed information about the any sourced advertising product. They used eye tracking devices to capture the attention of the consumer, the online advertising in the combination with survey of internet user’s recall, recognition, and awareness of the other medium of advertising. The online advertising focuses on exploring consumer behavior and many offline advertising effect hold true in an online setting. it is important that their may have a congruency between the website and the ad. The congruity has a more favorable effect on the attitudes towards the brand, whereas incongruity has a more favorable effect on recall and recognition. Models have been developed for click through and for purchase acceleration, we believe that further modeling work to study the potential effects of these ads on various pre purchase decisions.

  Banner ad elasticities

The effect of banner ads on sales are hard to track, the effectiveness of banners ad is explore in different dimension, here in this research the focus is not the banner ads effect on sales, a key challenge for the banner advertising is that its effectiveness is difficult to evaluate, but focuses on the changes in behavior that can be identified from clickstream data. The advertising make page elasticities for segment the three different makes which placed premium display ads on the site. Segment 1 are not far from the average advertising elasticity, the advertising elasticity also differs with respect to make.  

 The advertising setting

Managers are keen to altering their operation decision to achieve their short term goals, 2 limitations to such an interpretation. First studies pool all discretionary expenses together by adding R & D , advertising expenses. It is not clear which discretionary expenses are subject to change and in which direction. Their have different implications on short term earnings. Compared with R&D, advertising have a more and immediate impact on sales. Manager increase advertising to generate a positive short term response in revenues and earnings.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

advertising and business profitability

Sales effectiveness and profitability

When sales of the product increases we considered the campaign successful. The profitability of a campaign is calculated as the ratio of margins associated with increment of sales, to the correspondent advertising cost. TV advertising expenditure by brands is provided by kantar media. Before calculating one must subtract retailer’s margins from the increment turnover. Advertising campaign has a strong positive impact and emerges as the main positive driver of profitability. (Philippe & Anne., 2013)

New Television Advertising Formats: Importance and Types

The significant alternative of 30 second spot and the increasing opportunities provided new platforms; there is an uncountable demand for television sale houses to offer different advertising products. The advertisers are enthusiastic about brand integrated programmes they analyzed that these programmes as the medium to communicate about the brand than in a traditional 30 second commercial, the new television advertising formats is not hard to find and it increasing popularity particularly difficult to put a value, this scenario furnished for research into the planning and implementation of these forms of television advertising and assessment of their effectiveness. (Dr. Eva & Dr. Pedro., 2011)

Traditional (offline) advertising

The elasticity of short run of advertising is commonly found to be around, advertising have long run effects over and above the short run impact with a half of the 3 to 4 weeks, advertising are materialized for long run. we have noticed through advertising studies that the increase in sales during the year of increased advertising and the effect is doubled over next 2 years. Some form of offline advertising especially TV advertising has not decline over last 15 years, new advertising instrument and channels are developed due to social and technological changes.

Monday, March 17, 2014

advertising responses and steps of perceiving advertising message

Advertising response is the top importance because the dream of advertiser of passing the message to the target audience for his products, services and ideas will remain only as a dream as in case there is no response for such appeals or plea made by the advertising company. Every advertisement tend to communicate, to transfer knowledge, to create an image, to arouse needs, to generate interest or to precipitate action. Advertiser wants to influence the behavior of prospects placing message in mass media that are selected by the people. If at all the person is to influenced by an advertisement, he must see it, understand it, interpret it, remember it, accept it, and orient to buy it. Here four way classification for the sake of simplicity and clarity


A person is said to be exposed to an advertisement when he is able to receive it physically, this exposure differs from medium to medium.


Perception is the process by which an individual maintains contacts with his environment. An individual receive the stimuli through his various sense and interprets them.


Integration refers to the process of judging, evaluating, remembering and fitting with the existing beliefs and attitudes of an individual.

The final response is the consumer action to the message passed on to him by an ad. The consumer action is manifested in variant ways depending on the advertiser’s objectives.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

direct and indirect advertising and communication effect

The effect of advertising is for long run, advertising is attempt to influence the need to be analyzed, visiting to retailer, trying a new brand, increasing usage level, maintaining existing brand loyalty, the communication and the decision process that proceed and influence that behavior must be examined. The process of communicating is to aware, image or attitude and specified the target segment needs. The segment defining the variable that include usage, benefits sought, awareness level, brand perceptions and life styles. Any advertising objective involves a communication task something that advertising can reasonably hope to achieve by itself. Communication is intended to create awareness, impart information, develop attitude or induce an action.
Manufacturer face two marke segment, consumer know only one brand is an exclusive segment and purchase only the known brand as long as prioce is below, they are price insensitive. where competing segment consumers know about different brands, They are price sensitive. Under the indirect channel scenario, manufacturers and retailers are private owned profit maximizers. The manufactures who decides the advertising level should also bear the ads cost.

Friday, March 14, 2014

How to Motivate Entreprenours and Factors Effecting in Entrepreneourial business


With the passage of moment, many developed countries are facing problem of unemployment and fresh graduates have faced serious problems to obtain reasonable job due to inexperience’s. Most of academic institutions and governments have shown there interests in entrepreneurship as it have the command to create financial and public development, provide employment opportunities and innovations in the countries. An entrepreneurial motivation is process to run a new business and bring some modernization, creativity and innovativeness in existing businesses.  (Tanvee, Zafar, & Rizvi, 2013)
The motivations of students towards entrepreneurship has become an interesting topic. Many studies have been conducted to find out major motivations for gearing towards entrepreneurship and to examine how inclination for self employment can be created. Today, universities are playing leading role for the development of entrepreneurship culture, and nurture some necessary entrepreneurial skills and behavior to take on business in upcoming life. The aim of this study is to examine the motivational factors that contribute for adoption of entrepreneurial career. Some of major motivational factors for entrepreneurial intention are Sense of achievement, sense of freedom, desire for wealth, risk taking, innovation, and sense of success (Nor & Yufiza, 2004).
 An entrepreneur is the person who tries something new, organizes production, undertakes risk and handles economic uncertainty. He is a potential and enterprising individual, endowed with special ability to innovate, or imitate, interested in advancing technology and willing to assume the risk involved in it. He is the man who knows the art of changing the production function for using the economic potential of various factors of production. Thus, under present day condition, entrepreneurship is the purposeful activity of an individual or a group of associated persons initiating, prompting and maintaining business activity for the production of wealth and distribution of goods and services with a pecuniary motive or such benefits in the given social and political conditions. The rate of economic progress of a nation depends upon its rate of innovation which in turn depends upon the distribution of entrepreneurial talent in the population. Technical progress alone cannot lead to economic development, unless technological breakthrough is put through economic use by entrepreneur (Krishna, 2013).
The emergence and development of entrepreneurship is an important phenomenon in contemporary economies. Entrepreneurship is strongly linked to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which are the main developing force of the developed market economies. Several peoples have several views about the word motivation. Motivation is the core of biological, cognitive, and social regulation. They also stated that it involves the energy, direction, and persistence of activation as well as intention. This indicates that goals and motives play a role in predicting human behavior and that a link between intentions, motivations, and behavior indeed exists (Ryan & Deci, 2000).
Humans have an important role in the entrepreneurial process. Human behavior is the result of motivational factors and cognitive factors that include the ability, skill and intelligence. Although external factors determine the level of success in the entrepreneurial process, but human motivation has an important role in the development of the entrepreneurial process. Human Motivation determines the success of entrepreneurial process. Strong motivation to succeed has different weak motivations on entrepreneurial process. Research that explores the motivation to undertake entrepreneurial process is still limited (Setiawan & Nimran, 2013).
Entrepreneurship involves human agency. The entrepreneurial process occurs because people act to pursue opportunities. People differ in their willingness and abilities to act on these opportunities because they are different from each other. We argue that the variation among people in their willingness and ability to act has important effects on the entrepreneurial process. Motivational differences also influence the entrepreneurial process. For example, such things as variation across people in their perceptions of risk and opportunity influence entrepreneurial decisions (Shane et al., 2003).
(Herron & Sapienza, 1992) stated that, “the motivation plays an important role in the creation of new firms, products, organizations, theories of organizational creation”.
(Herron & Sapienza, 1992) these two authors stated that, “Because motivation plays an important part in the creation of new organizations, theories of organizational creation that fail to address this concept are incomplete”.
Entrepreneurial Motivation is the drive of an entrepreneur to maintain an entrepreneurial spirit in all their actions. Motivation implies an inner state that causes a person to act towards the attainment of goals. It is an inspirational process of steering an individual’s drives and actions towards goals. It causes a chain reaction. Motivation is an internal psychological feeling which produces goal directed behavior. It is an ongoing process because human needs are never completely satisfied. Motivation is dynamic force setting a person into motion or action. The word motivation is derived from motive which is defined as an active form of a desire, craving or needs and desires effect of change the behavior which becomes goal oriented  (Krishna, 2013).

1.2 Significance of study:

This study guides the people who have motivation to become an entrepreneur about the outcomes of successful entrepreneurs. It will help the people especially the fresh business graduates to understand the factors which create barriers while becoming an entrepreneur and he will analyze the factors which motivate common people to become an entrepreneur. So he takes corrective action while becoming an entrepreneur. The finding in this study can be used by other researchers which they use in their literature.

1.3 Problem identification:

Being an entrepreneur is not a difficult task but there are some certain areas which create problems to the people while becoming an entrepreneur. Risk, failure, lack of capital and lack of information about the market problem are the factors which affects the entrepreneurial motivation. If these problems are unsolved the future of entrepreneur will be in danger.

1.3 Research objectives:

A.    To determine the factors which motivate people to become an entrepreneurs?
B.     To determine the relationship between motivation and entrepreneurship.

1.4 research questions:

A.    What are the factors which create motivation in the people to become an entrepreneur?
B.     What are the relationship between motivation and entrepreneurship?

1.5 Delimitations:

This study is conducted in the Gilgit city but due to the time constraints the researcher is going to limit his study to the students of the university. So the area of this study is limited. If we expand our area of study by increasing the number sample size (university student) to sole proprietor, this will makes the study delimited.  The variable in this are limited. So it can be delimited if the variables are expended.



2.0 literature review

2.1 concepts and definition

2.1.1 Introduction

This chapter will start by discussing entrepreneurship using the literature in the field. General motivation to become an entrepreneur is discussed. The review looks at the literature on motivations for entrepreneurship, looking at both empirical research and theories developed under the topic of entrepreneurship motivation.

2.1.2 Defining the entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs were people who recognized opportunities and created new business organizations. Others have viewed entrepreneurs as individuals who are critical to increasing a firm’s productivity and help it recover from an economic slump. Entrepreneurship has also been described as a main reason for innovation (Bygrave & Hofer, 1991).
Entrepreneurs like people who were willing to take risks, and bear uncertainty to get a reward. Entrepreneurs like people aware of opportunities that can generate (Deakins, 1999).
The term “entrepreneur” has been associated with the start of the new business and sometimes also with innovation as an additional criteria. The entrepreneur is the individual person who creates the business, puts it to work and makes it survive. Entrepreneur   helps to investigate the process of business creation (Veciana, 1988).
Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary time and effort, assuming the accompanying financial, psychic, and social risks, and receiving the resulting rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction and independence (Carsrud & Brännback, 2011).
an entrepreneur is one who brings resources, labor, materials, and other assets into combinations that make their value greater than before, and also one who introduces changes, innovations, and a new order  (Carsrud & Brännback, 2011).


2.1.3 Roles of entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs occupy a central position in a market economy. For it's the entrepreneurs who serve as the spark plug in the economy's engine, activating and stimulating all economic activity. The economic success of nations worldwide is the result of encouraging and rewarding the entrepreneurial instinct (Bygrave & Hofer, 1991).
A society is prosperous only to the degree to which it rewards and encourages entrepreneurial activity because it is the entrepreneurs and their activities that are the critical determinant of the level of success, prosperity, growth and opportunity in any economy. The most dynamic societies in the world are the ones that have the most entrepreneurs, plus the economic and legal structure to encourage and motivate entrepreneurs to greater activities (Campbell, 1992).
The role of the entrepreneur can be seen from the perspective of two important theories: economic theory and empirical theory (Rapaso, Do Paco & Ferreira, 2008). According to (Davidsson & Wiklund, 1999) the roles of entrepreneurs according to the economics theory are following:
·         the person who undertakes risk associated with uncertainty
·         the person who supplies the financial capital
·         innovator
·         decision maker
·         industrial leader
·         manager
·         organizer of economic resources
·         business owner
·         locator of resources
According to (McClelland, 1961) an entrepreneur has following roles:
·         original and innovative
·         takes individual responsibility
·         plans on long term basis

2.1.4 Entrepreneurial motivation

There are numbers of motivational variables which develop the intention of students to create his/her venture. These variables can be categorized into demographic variables and psychographic variables. The literature on entrepreneurial motivation is scare and fragmented. Entrepreneurial motivations refer to the desire or tendency to organize, manipulate and master organizations, human beings or ideas as quickly and independently as possible (Johnson, 2005). Individuals with high-entrepreneurial motivation are to be more likely to become entrepreneurs (Shane et al., 2003).
Beliefs which are related to perceived high-entrepreneurial motivation on a country-wide level may promote individuals’ attitude towards entrepreneurship. Beliefs related to the role of formal and informal institutional environments may influence individuals’ attitudes towards entrepreneurship. If a person believes that the outcome of his/her entrepreneurship activity in a given environment will be desirable, they are likely to have a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship (Lent et al, 2000). If a person perceives doing business in a country as being difficult,  unattractive, risky, or bringing low benefits, his/her attitude towards entrepreneurship might be negative (Bullvag et al, 2010).
(Benzing, Chu & Kara, 2005) in their study of entrepreneurs in Turkey stated that, among other things, presented a comparative results of numerous research on entrepreneurs’ motivating factors in different countries. In Romania, income and job security needs were stronger motivators than self-satisfaction and personal needs. On the other hand, entrepreneurs in India were most strongly motivated by the desire for autonomy and then to increase their income.
Ugandan entrepreneurs are motivated by “making money” (Bewayo, 1995). A study of entrepreneurs in Kenya and Ghana found that the strongest two motivators for the entrepreneurship were to increase income and to provide employment to them (Chu, Benzing, & McGee, 2007).  The research found that microenterprise owners in West Africa were motivated by a desire to satisfy psychological needs – food and shelter (Roy and Wheeler, 2006).
Motivations are not the only things that influence these transitions. Cognitive factors, knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), certainly matter. Allocation is the result of the combination or integration motivation and cognition. First, the entrepreneurs need to have some knowledge, especially of the industry and of any relevant technology that is critical to success. The necessary skills will depend on the circumstances, but they may include such factors as selling and bargaining, leadership, planning, decision making, problem solving, team building, communication, and conflict management. Third, the entrepreneur needs to have the requisite abilities, including intelligence (Schmiemann, 2008).
According to (Roy and Wheeler, 2006) Environmental conditions also matters. First, opportunities may interact in interesting ways with the attributes of people. Second, the willingness to engage in entrepreneurial activities depends on such things as the legal system of the country in which the entrepreneur operates, the age of the industry, the available capital in the economy, the condition of capital markets, and the state of overall economy. We believe that these factors are important, but that it might also interesting to know whether motivations of particular people lead to different types of entrepreneurial action under different environmental conditions.
According to (Baum, 2004) profit is one the most leading reason which motivates people to become an entrepreneur. But there are several other factors which motivate people to become an entrepreneur in such as high profit maximization. These are many other factors which effects motivation so more information is needed to be known.
The entrepreneurial motivations determine the entrepreneurial process. Although the role of the environment and opportunities is important, the role of humans and motivation not get much attention. Entrepreneurial motivations are classified into two, namely: general and task-specific. Motivation general consists of; need for achievement, locus of control, vision, desire for independence, passion, drive. Meanwhile, specific task consists of; goal-setting, and self-efficacy. Both types of motivation determine the understanding and development opportunities so as to achieve success in the entrepreneurial process. Motivation has an important role in predicting the desire to be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship involves human role. The process of entrepreneurial occurs because people act to pursue opportunities. Human motivation determines the decision to become an entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial process. The differences will affect the entrepreneurial motivation. The external environment which consists of the business environment, socio-cultural factors, and external conflict nations can encourage and motivate entrepreneurs (Shane et al., 2003).
There are several inter and external factors which motivate people to become entrepreneur. The internal factor includes; Educational background, Occupational experience, Desire to do something pioneering and innovative, Desire to be free and independent and Family background. Internal factors constitute the personality of the entrepreneur and thereby generate an inclination to adopt entrepreneurial activity. Among the internal motivating factors, the desire to do something creative is important. It means the desire to make a contribution to the development of the state, to introduce an entirely new product in the market, to place the home town on the country’s industrial map, to make full use of technical skills, to provide employment to intelligent young men and women in the community, etc  (Krishna, 2013).
The factors which externally increase the motivation of people to become entrepreneur include:
Assistance from Government, financial assistance from institutions, availability of technology and / or raw materials, encouragement from big business units and heavy demand for product. Among the external factors, assistance from financial and other Governmental institutions has been rated the strongest motivator. Other factors include availability of surplus funds, sick units being available at a cheap price, success stories of first generation entrepreneurs, support of friends and relatives etc. in some cases there may be compelling reasons like loss of job, death of the father, dissatisfaction with the job held, etc., prompting people to launch their own industries  (Krishna, 2013).
Peoples are motivated by the reward structure in the economy. This economic perspective on new venture initiation focuses on the usefulness, utility, or desirability of an entrepreneurial career. People would become entrepreneurs if the expected rewards surpass the wages of employment. Because expected rewards depended on assessments of individual ability and attitudes towards risk, perceptions of entrepreneurial feasibility were included. People may be motivated to become entrepreneurs if they believe self-employment is more likely than working for others to lead to valued outcomes. It seemed to us that the motivation to become an entrepreneur is driven by the difference between the desirability of self-employment and the desirability of working for others (Schoenfeld, Borgia, & Segal, 2005)
(Robichaud, McGraw and Roger, 2001) have studied North American entrepreneurs and have grouped motivational factors into four categories. Extrinsic rewards which are source of motivation are for economic reasons and Independence/ autonomy. Intrinsic rewards are source of motivation which includes: self-fulfillment and growth and Family security. 
(Wang, Walker & Redmond, 2006) did a study on motivations of small business owners in Western Australia, and pointed 17 motivational factors into four groups: Personal development motivations, financial motivations, Motivations related to work and family and Flexible lifestyle motivations.
(Kirkwood, 2009) did a similar study on entrepreneurs in New Zealand and mentions that there are four key drivers of entrepreneurial motivation. The first is the desire to be independent. This is cited as the number one motivating factor for many people in becoming entrepreneur. The second is monetary gain.  People are not always motivated by money but it is found to be an important motivational factor for entrepreneurship. The third relates to issues around work, issues such as unemployment, redundancy and lack of job prospects. The fourth key driver involves family-related factors such as a desire for work-family balance.

2.2 factors that results in entrepreneurial motivations

The main factors which results in motivation towards entrepreneurship are discussed in the following section. Six factors appear most frequently in the literature regarding motivation for entrepreneurship. They are independence; money; work-related factors; family-related factors; the need for challenge; and opportunity. Factors like independence and money are straightforward, but for other factors like family-related motivators and the need for challenge, the differences between the various studies are pointed out.  

2.2.1 Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship education refers to the scope of curricular lectures or courses that provides students with            entrepreneurial competencies, skills and knowledge in pursuing entrepreneurial career (Ekpoh & Edet, 2011).
Entrepreneurship is confronted with uncertainties as entrepreneurs always try new things and set challenging goals for themselves.           Inadequate business knowledge will lead to risk-averse behavior and reduce entrepreneurial propensity. Throughout adequate business knowledge acquired from entrepreneurship education, the interest of students towards entrepreneurial career would increase, because it has prepared potential entrepreneurs in dealing complex decision makings, and minimizes the perceptions of barriers and risk of entrepreneurship (human capital, financial capital, discovering of opportunity, material acquisition and technology adaptation), help them to start enterprise better as they know the entrepreneurial process and have foundation regarding business management knowledge (Ahmed et al., 2010).

2.2.2Personality Traits

Personality traits have proven to be predictors of many aspects of entrepreneurship. Personality traits, known as trait theory, it refers to personal characteristics of entrepreneurs.  (Shaver & Scott, 1991)

2.3 Theoretical frame work

Rounded Rectangle: • Entrepreneurial education
• Personality traits

Rounded Rectangle: Motivation


2.3.1 Literature gap

In order do any research the finding and identification of literature gap is very important. So the making of this term paper I have found the literature gap from the article “the journey to develop educated entrepreneurs: the prospects and problems of Afghanistan businessman” which is written by (Muhammad, 2011). In this research article the author gave his recommendation for doing further research on “entrepreneurial motivation: motivation of people to become an entrepreneur.

Chapter three

Research methodology

3.1 research design

This study used a correlation research design. The study used exploratory study where change or effect on independent variables (willingness to become a boss, to maintain personal freedom, to provide employment to people, to satisfy their basic psychological needs, entrepreneurial opportunities, macroeconomic environment, knowledge, skills, job security and personal satisfaction and growth) result in change in dependent variable (motivation). Quantitative data was considered for this study.

3.2 unit of analysis

Unit of analysis in this study were individuals students at whom the researcher want to know their motivation to become an entrepreneur.

3.3 study population

The study population consists of three thousand students in the university.

3.4 data collection methods

For the completion this research secondary data was obtained from published journal articles from publishers like the emerald publishing group, books and magnizes were also used.

3.5 dependent variable

The dependent variable in the proposal is motivation of student to become an entrepreneur.

3.6 independent variable

The independent variable in this proposal includes willingness to become a boss, to maintain personal freedom, to provide employment to people, to satisfy their basic psychological needs, entrepreneurial opportunities, macroeconomic environment, knowledge, skills, job security and personal satisfaction and growth.

3.7 Data analysis

The data is analyzed by using SPPSS and the results will be interpreted through frequency distribution tables and bar graphs.

3.8 Data collection instruments

Primary data was collected using a self administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was
designed according to the objectives and study variables and responses were anchored on a
five (5) point Likert scale ranging from 5 – strongly agree to 1 - strongly disagree. Part one of the questionnaires was used to gather biographic data of the respondents and part two was to collect data on entrepreneurial education, personality traits and entrepreneurial motivations.

Chapter four

Data presentation and analysis

This chapter describes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the primary data collection through questionnaires from the targeted respondent’s .This chapter explains the descriptive statistics (correlations, regression and reliability).

4.1 Introduction

This chapter analyzes and presents the findings of the study. The findings are presented in tables showing frequencies, correlations and regression analysis. It is guided by the following objectives:

i) To examine the relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial motivation.

ii) To examine the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation.

4.2 Respondents’ gender

Valid Percent

. Source: Primary data

The results in above table shows that most of the respondents in my research were male with a percentage of 70% and female respondents in the research were 30%.


4.5 Reliability and Validity of instrument

The research instrument was examined for validity and reliability by using Cronbach’s Alpha value and Content Validity Index for the two aspects respectively.

Table 05: Reliability and validity

Cronbach Alpha
Entrepreneurial education
5 Point
Personality traits
5 Point
Entrepreneurial motivation
5 Point

Results in table 05 showed the instrument was both reliable and valid as the Cronbach Alpha Values were well above 0.6. So there is a consistency in the variables.

4.3 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistical methods were used to focus on the presentation and discussion of primary data for general reader of this research, 85 questionnaires were distributed to students of Karakorum international university .Data was summarized and analyzed in a readable and easily interpretable form. The statistical package for social sciences (SPPS) version 16 was used to summarize the data.

4.3.1 Relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial motivation.

Table: 01

Std. Deviation
 Entrepreneurial education

Source: Primary data

The  results  in  table  01  showed  that  the  respondents  in  the  study,  believe  that  the  most important attributes considered in entrepreneurial education were Accuracy (Mean = 4.53). This implies that the perceptions of all respondents tended to agree which means that the entrepreneurial education motivates respondents to become a success entrepreneur. Generally all the respondents tended to agree and strongly agree.

4.3.2 Relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation.

Table: 02

Std. Deviation
 Personality traits

Source: Primary data

The  results  in  table  02  showed  that  the  respondents  in  the  study,  believe  that  the  important variable considered in entreprenrial motivation was  personality traits (Mean = 3.92). This implies that the respondent who have better personality traits have greater chances to become successful entrepreneur.  Generally all the respondents tended to agree and strongly agree.

4.4       Correlation analysis

The objectives of the study were based on the relationships between the different variables which were: entrepreneurial education, personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation. In order to achieve this, the Pearson (r) correlation coefficient was computed given the interval nature of the data and the need to test the direction and strength of relationships that exist among the study variables. Table 03 below presents the correlation analysis results.

Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.4.1 The relationship entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial motivation.

The  results  in  table  03  above  showed  a  significant  and  positive  relationship  between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial motivation.  (r = 1, p<.01) These results indicate that the more students have willingness to become an entrepreneur if they have entrepreneurial education.

4.4.2 The relationship personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation.

There is a significant positive correlation between information sharing and financial performance of commercial banks (r=.761**, p<0.01) (Table 03). This means that when the respondents have greater personality traits they have greater willing for entrepreneurship.

4.5 Regression analysis

To establish the extent to which the entrepreneurial education and personality traits predicts the entrepreneurial motivation, a  prediction  model  was  developed  using  multiple regression analysis as shown in the Table 04 below.

Table 04: Regression of entrepreneurial education and personality traits on entrepreneurial motivation.

Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: EMM

  • Hypothesis 1: Student participation in entrepreneurship education is positively related to entrepreneurial motivations. So the hypothesis is accepted. Because this variable is significant at 0.00.

  • Hypothesis 2: A personality trait is positively related to entrepreneurial motivations. So the hypothesis is accepted. Because this variable is also significant at 0.00.

However, entrepreneurial education and personality traits are the significant predictors of entrepreneurial motivation of students of university. This means that an improvement in entrepreneurial education to leads .323 positive changes in entrepreneurial motivation of students of university .while an improvement in the personality traits leads to 0.538 positive changes in entrepreneurial motivation of students of university. The model indicated that personality traits had the highest prediction potential compared to entrepreneurial education. And the model is fit for analysis.

Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), PTT, EEE

This model is fit for this research because Results  from  table  above,  show  that  a  combination  of entrepreneurial education and  personality traits explained on average up to 65.0 % variations in the in the entrepreneurial motivation of students of university, implying that other than entrepreneurial education and personality traits there are  other  factors  affecting entrepreneurial motivation of students of university .

Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Predictors: (Constant), PTT, EEE
b. Dependent Variable: EMM

Anova is fit at 0.00a.



5.1      Introduction

The study focused on the relationship between entrepreneurial education, personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation of students of university. This chapter is divided into two sections; Discussion of findings and Conclusions.

5.2      Discussion of findings

5.2.1 Relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial motivation

The result shows significant and positive relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation. This implies that when the students’ entrepreneurial education their tendency to become a entrepreneur will always increases.

Entrepreneur education help in developing a students’ independent attitude, is probably the most difficult and important goal. It focus is on the talents, capacities or characteristics of students, among which showing initiative, creativity, perseverance, independence, goal setting, opportunity recognition, and risk taking are vital. Educational institutions can promote the characteristics of students associated with successful entrepreneurship.

Finally, educational institutions are trying to develop an entrepreneurial culture, an atmosphere promoting entrepreneurial attitudes and skills, which stimulates innovation and creativeness.

5.2.2 Relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation.

The result shows significant and positive relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation. This implies that more students have willingness to become and entrepreneur and they have personality trait of risk taking.

Risk taking is one the personality traits of the students which motivate them to become to the successful entrepreneur. Individuals who have higher achievement motivation prefer activities of intermediate risk because these types of activities will provide a challenge, yet appear to be attainable.

5.3 Conclusion

From the results and outcomes of this study, it is concluded that there is positive relationship of personality traits on motivation towards entrepreneurship and participation in entrepreneurship education. More precise, students with a proactive personality have a more positive attitude towards entrepreneurship and have more often participated in entrepreneurship education. Students with a high willingness to take risks also tend participate in entrepreneurship education. The decision to start a new venture seems to some extend influenced by personality traits. The results show that the direct effects of personality trait on entrepreneurial motivation are almost as high as the direct effect of participation in entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial motivation.