Sunday, April 27, 2014

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Operation Process Design and Total Quality Management

Process design
The process through which function requirement of people is satisfied through shaping and configuration of resources, to check the whole of the process design is to make sure that the performance the product is appropriate to achieve the goals. The design of product and services is partially dependent on the productive system. Product can only work within the limitation of product design. Therefore, the obvious time to start thinking about basic modes of production for product is while they are still in the design stage. This conscious effort to design for productibility and low manufacturing costs is referred to as product design. One of the important functions of product designer is to meets functional requirement.

process design
Service process design
In services there is some interaction and customization is required. recognizing the customer unique desire for the process, manager design the process to accommodate these special requirements, through designing the services process effectively and efficiently they meet the needs of their customers.

Volume variety effect on process design
Operations can range from producing a very high volume of products or services (for example, a food canning factory) to a very low volume. Low volume operations have a very high variety of product and services, while high volume production has low variety product and services. Many manufacturing plants will have a large area, organized on a ‘mass production’ in which they make their high-volume ‘best-selling’ products. In another
Part of the plant they may also have an area where they make a wide variety of products in
Process DesignMuch smaller volumes. The design of each of these processes is likely to be different.

Process reengineering
It is the process of redesigning of business processes and improvement in performance of the product. Customer desires, product technology and product changes, and processes are redesigned is sometime called reengineered.

Design and redesign
The design is the process through which some thing is arrange or work on it before constructing. New information and feeds in from users, and that needs new ways to improve design that reduce and reduce production cost and quality. During design of the product provide freedom to the designer.

Interchangeable part
Design for component part need to specified carefully so that any part from a lot will fit. the result for the specified part design for interchangeable part is interchangeable assembly. Assembly costs are then lower than they would be if workers had to select combination of mating parts that fit.

Standardization products are cheaper than custom product. The cost items affected are raw materials inventory, in process inventory, lower set costs, longer production run, improved quality controls with fewer items opportunities for mechanization and automation, more advantageous purchasing, better labor utilization, lower training costs and so on.

Modular designs
Modular design is one way to offer product variety while holding number of component and subassemblies to some reasonable level. Modular design offering variety in the marketplace.

With the industrial revolution, there has been a continuous substitution of machines power for human power, through use of technology the volume of production level is increase, invention of computer and other chips makes life more easy, in advance and high developed countries they developed a substitute machines for the control functions of the human operation. New and advanced process technology has been developed, such as
·         Robotic
   NC machine (numerically controlled machine where machine tools are controlled by computer )
·         FMS (flexible manufacturing system that combine NC machine in flexible systems of production)
 CAD/CAM (computer aided design and manufacturing system that combine product design and manufacturing instructions)
 CIM (computer integrated manufacturing in which all aspects of manufacturing are integrated through a design and manufacturing data base)
·         GT (group technology that organize planning and facilities for small lot manufacturing by grouping various parts and products with similar design and production process into efficient system  that can use NC machine, robot or other advance technologies)

Process technology in services and nonmanufacturing operations
There are some important factors which effect the process technology in services and nonmanufacturing operations, these operations can classified in the same manual mechanized and automated format used for manufacturing process technology.

Distribution and transport
To transport the manufacturing good there is a need of standardized containering and shipping system through which the manufacturing can easily distributed to all national and international level, that eliminate most small unit handling and provide highly efficient systems for handling large quantities of goods.

In modern era there is use modern technology in warehouses, computer control has been applied to warehousing and advance design will store and retrieve materials on command, items are picked from storage location based on an order list in the computer.

Point of sale systems
Mechanization and automation have impacted the operation function in food markets through point of sale systems. The Universal Product Code (the bare code now printed on most product packaging) provide unique machine readable code for nearly every product.

A common definition of quality is “the characteristics of a product or services that satisfy the stated and implied needs” “a product or services free of deficiencies” (summer, nd) another approach which defines quality as “consistent conformance to customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction”

Quality system
In order to fulfill the customer need, requirement and expectation organization create quality system. Quality management system for a focused organization that involves all employees which collaborate with all the employees of the organization for the continual improvement. All employee work for achievement of common goal. It uses strategy, data, effective communications and involvement of all level of employees to integrate the quality discipline into the culture and activities of the organization. It does not matter what organization does to improve the employees training, integrate quality into process design, upgrade technology.  The customer ultimately determines the level of quality. The customer determines whether the efforts were worthwhile or not.

Total Quality Management
TQM is based on the premise that the quality of products and processes that involve everyone who create or consume the product or services which are offered by an organization, requiring the involvement of management, workforce, suppliers, and customers, to meet or exceed customer expectations.
Nine common TQM practices
  1. cross-functional product design
  2. process management
  3. supplier quality management
  4. customer involvement
  5. information and feedback
  6. committed leadership
  7. strategic planning
  8. cross-functional training
  9. employee involvement
The basic idea of TQM is extremely expensive to inspect quality into a company outputs and much more efficient and affective to produce them right in the first place. as a result responsibility for quality is taken away from the department of quality control and the place where it belongs with the workers who produce the parts or provide the service in the first place.
Quality planning. The is the process of preparing to meet quality goals.
Quality control. The process of meeting quality goals during operations.
Quality improvement. This encompasses the activities directed toward achieving higher levels of performance.

Six Sigma
The six sigma concepts were developed by bill smith, a senior engineer at Motorola, a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, sustaining and maximizing business success. Close understanding of customer needs, discipline use of facts, data, and statistical analysis, and diligent attention to managing, improving, and reinventing business processes.
At Motorola, six sigma is defined as “a business improvement process that focuses on organization on customer requirements, process alignment, analytical rigor, and timely execution”. Six sigma initiatives are associated with a increased profitability, improve quality, improve employees moral, lower costs, higher productivity, market share growth, improved levels of customer retention and satisfaction, and shorter leads times.
The DMAIC improvement process
The phase DMAIC is defines measure, analyze, improve, and control. the DMAIC  is used to improve the process by using scientific method. A progress is asses at the end of each phase which is discus in detail.
·         Define goals for process improvement
·         Define the customers
·         Define the project in which you work
·         Define the problems or opportunity
·         Identify appropriate performance measures
·         Collect data
·         Evaluate current process performance
·         Develop and test theories related to root causes of problems
·         Identify cause and effect relationships

·         Develop and evaluate solution to reduce gap between desired process performance and current performance
·         Monitor process to sustain improved performance
·         Ensure that problems do not resurface.
Benchmark involves comparing organizations processes with best practices to be found. Identify the best practices to implement .projecting trend in order to be able to respond proactively to future challenges and opportunities.
Benchmark is the way through which companies compare their performance against the set of standards with best class companies, through use of information provided by comparison, a company come to know how to improve its own performance. They make a conclusion about the performance and necessary improvements. (summer, nd)
Defining and measuring quality
Richard and schonberger has compiled a list of 12 dimension that customers perceive as associated with product and services.
Conformance to specifications
·         Confirmation to specification is the extend to which the actual product matches the design    specifications.     
·         The customer equates the quality of products and services with their performance.
Quick response
·         amount of time required react to customers demand.
Quick change expertise
·         By changing the model with out any delay.

·         Features are the attributes that a product or services offers.
·         The probability that a product will continue to perform for some period of time.
·         Durability shows the product toughness
·         Serviceability refers to the ease with which maintenance or repair can be performed.