Tuesday, May 6, 2014

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How World Trade Organization Is Beneficiary for Global Business

The World Trade Organization

It all begin in Latin American resort town of punta del est, Uruguay and it seemingly ended in Marrakesh in April 1994. Seemingly, because now is the real beginning of the outcome of the talks that commenced in Uruguay in 1986 .
On January 1995,a new organization came in to existence the World Trade  Organization (WTO).This new organization replaces the general agreement on tariffs and Trade (GATT)and will supervise oversee the most ambitious global trade accord over .
The Uruguay round of trade talks ended with the signing of an accord that is about 500 pages long which contains revolutions that affect a wide variety of subjects both directly and indirectly.
The signing of this accord could allow city bank to open more branches in Pakistan .it could result in the closing up of thousands of the factories across the country because of occupations of environmental pollution .it could reverse our efforts to make Pakistanis computer literate .it could threaten our carpet exports because of social dumping .it could rake in profits for our garments and footwear exporters .the list goes on ,
The WTO Agreement has its loopholes and provisos, its qualifications and conditions and its schedule of commitment which can help protect infant industries and restrict market access.
So, did Marrakesh agreement achieve nothing more than a new and improved label? The answer depend on how the world implements the accord
Objectives 0f the WTO Agreement
Recognizing that their relations in the field of trade and economic endeavour  should be conducted with a view to raising standards of living ,ensuring full employment and large and steadily growing volume of real income and effective demand ,and expanding the production of and trade goods and services ,while allowing for the optimal use of the world’s resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development ,seeking both to preserve the environment and to enhance the means for doing so in a manner consistent with their respective needs and concerns at different levels of economical development ,
Recognizing further that there is need for positive efforts designed to ensure that developing countries ,and especially the least developed among them ,secure a share in the growth in international trade commensurate with the needs of their economic development ,being desirous of contributing to these objectives by entering into reciprocal and mutually advantageous arrangements directed to the substantial reduction of tariffs and other barriers of trade and to the elimination of discriminatory treatment in international trade relations .
A group of 117 countries agreed on April 1994to setup a World Trade Organization to implement administer ,operate and further the objectives of the multilateral trade accord .
The basis of the World Trade Organization agreement is the premise that free trade is good for all .By lowering tariffs and quotes the playing field will be leveled and every one will have the opportunity to compete in a free world market.
Studies have estimated that by removing restrictions ,world income is likely to grow by over 200 billions a year by  the year 2002 .this growth will be shared by all countries are likely to experience slower growth in their income .

Salient Features of WTO Agreement

The GATT accord is expected to reduce tariffs around world by an average of about 40 percent .this will make consumers happy because prices of imported goods will decrease .it will make exporters glad   because reduced prices will stimulate increase demand for their exports. However, developing country industrialists with large excess capacity or inefficient plant and management who were previously protected by prohibitive import duties will have to face price as well as qualify competition .
According to  the WTO agreement ,developed nations which were restricting the import of textiles and clothing have to phase out the Multi-Fibre Arrangement(MFA)-quantitative restrictions on the import of fibre ,textiles and apparel .Quotas are to be totally lifted over a staggered period of ten years .this will mean that Pakistani apparel exporters can sell as many tea-shirts in America as US buyers wants .However ,restrictions on importing T-shirts from India , Bangladesh and Hong kong  will also be removed and Pakistani shirt exporters will have to be competitively priced .
This agreement has also introduced new patent and copy right protection laws for intellectual property .We will now have to pay top dollars for computer software .Pirated software will be confiscated and destroyed .the computer revolution that is sweeping across developing countries may come to grinding halt-unless software manufacturers West adopt IDC user –friendly pricing policies.

WTO and Tariff Reduction

The results of the market access negotiations of the Uruguay round of talks have been the agreement to reduce tariff rates on non agriculture goods by about 40%. These rates have been annexed to the agreement in the form of national schedule of concessions.
The tariff reduction program agreed upon is to be implemented in five equal rate reductions unless otherwise specifies by the county.

Tariff Reduction and Government Revenue

Every government heavily relies on indirect taxation for government revenue. Import duties and sale taxes on import account for over 40% of total government revenue and a reduction in tariff is expected to cut heavily into this source of funds. This may exacerbate the budget deficit.

The WTO Agreement and Agriculture

The Uruguay round talks have deliberated on various aspects of the agriculture sector. This is heavily protected not only in developing countries but also in developing countries. Tariffs on agriculture products are to be reduced by 36% in the developed countries. 24% in developing countries. This reduction is to be undertaken over a period of 6 years for a developed countries and over 10 years for developing nations. Least develop countries are not required to reduced their tariffs.