Monday, March 17, 2014

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advertising responses and steps of perceiving advertising message

Advertising response is the top importance because the dream of advertiser of passing the message to the target audience for his products, services and ideas will remain only as a dream as in case there is no response for such appeals or plea made by the advertising company. Every advertisement tend to communicate, to transfer knowledge, to create an image, to arouse needs, to generate interest or to precipitate action. Advertiser wants to influence the behavior of prospects placing message in mass media that are selected by the people. If at all the person is to influenced by an advertisement, he must see it, understand it, interpret it, remember it, accept it, and orient to buy it. Here four way classification for the sake of simplicity and clarity


A person is said to be exposed to an advertisement when he is able to receive it physically, this exposure differs from medium to medium.


Perception is the process by which an individual maintains contacts with his environment. An individual receive the stimuli through his various sense and interprets them.


Integration refers to the process of judging, evaluating, remembering and fitting with the existing beliefs and attitudes of an individual.

The final response is the consumer action to the message passed on to him by an ad. The consumer action is manifested in variant ways depending on the advertiser’s objectives.