Online advertising
modern and updated source of advertising is internet, internet has open a vide
variety of research streams based on single click a lot of data is presented.
Consumer focusing on browsing and purchasing, consumer gets the detailed
information about the any sourced advertising product. They used eye tracking
devices to capture the attention of the consumer, the online advertising in the
combination with survey of internet user’s recall, recognition, and awareness
of the other medium of advertising. The online advertising focuses on exploring
consumer behavior and many offline advertising effect hold true in an online setting.
it is important that their may have a congruency between the website and the ad.
The congruity has a more favorable effect on the attitudes towards the brand,
whereas incongruity has a more favorable effect on recall and recognition.
Models have been developed for click through and for purchase acceleration, we
believe that further modeling work to study the potential effects of these ads
on various pre purchase decisions.
effect of banner ads on sales are hard to track, the effectiveness of banners
ad is explore in different dimension, here in this research the focus is not
the banner ads effect on sales, a key challenge for the banner advertising is
that its effectiveness is difficult to evaluate, but focuses on the changes in
behavior that can be identified from clickstream data. The advertising make
page elasticities for segment the three different makes which placed premium
display ads on the site. Segment 1 are not far from the average advertising
elasticity, the advertising elasticity also differs with respect to make.
The advertising setting
Managers are keen to altering their operation decision to achieve their
short term goals, 2 limitations to such an interpretation. First studies pool
all discretionary expenses together by adding R & D , advertising expenses.
It is not clear which discretionary expenses are subject to change and in which
direction. Their have different implications on short term earnings. Compared
with R&D, advertising have a more and immediate impact on sales. Manager
increase advertising to generate a positive short term response in revenues and
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