Wednesday, March 26, 2014

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Outdoor Advertising and its Influence on Consumers

outdoor advertising is a potent tool of marketing and a component of overall promotion activities. The marketing operation of any business is guided by its market plan which has the best possible mix of four variables, namely, the nature of the product, the price if the product, the channels of distribution which take the product to the consumer and the promotional activities. With the help of marketing research, the advertiser is the knowledge and data about the consumer, the product, and the market. These data are about the consumers, who they are, what are their needs, what is their buying behavior, what are the product qualities desired by them, who are the competitors and the extent of competition, and a great deal more information. These are useful in planning advertising programmers, and in selecting the type of media to be employed. In advertising terms, medium is a channel of communication, some examples of advertising media are newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and internet. A medium is a vehicle through which an ad is carried to the consumer. It is the mediator between the creator of the ad at one end and the consumer at the other.

Media too have a market their own and work hard to sell their media related services. Newspapers try to increase their circulation while electronic media try to get more viewership and listenership. Once a medium has been established with a significant audience, it is in a stronger position to attract advertisers to their medium. Advertisers are constantly on the lookout for such audiences to put across their promotional messages. Types of media Effective advertising refers to informing the public about the right product at the right time through the right medium. Conveying the right message at the wrong time or through the wrong medium would be a waste of resources. Therefore, the right media selection is the crux of the success of the entire ad campaign. However, the right message, time and place are also equally important. Media selection decision refers to only the selection of a specific medium of advertising, such as newspaper, or magazine or radio or TV, or outdoor advertising. On the other hand media planning is a general term encompassing decisions involving the time and place of advertising in addition to the selection of the medium. A media plan outlines how advertising time and space in various Media Print Newspapers  Magazines Direct Mail Electronic TV Radio CinemaOutdoorBillboards/BannersDigitalHoardingsTransitadvertisingOther media