Tuesday, March 25, 2014

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The Effects of Advertising on Report Earnings

The advertising setting
Managers are keen to altering their operation decision to achieve their short term goals, 2 limitations to such an interpretation. First studies pool all discretionary expenses together by adding R & D , advertising expenses. It is not clear which discretionary expenses are subject to change and in which direction. Their have different implications on short term earnings. Compared with R&D, advertising have a more and immediate impact on sales. Manager increase advertising to generate a positive short term response in revenues and earnings.

 Altering advertising activities to affect earnings
Managers are interested in increasing short term earnings to achieve their goals they either increase or decrease advertising. Reducing the advertising to meet financial reporting benchmarks. Reduction in advertising expenses can decrease in the sales in the current period, the decrease in the operation expenses leads to increase in current report earnings. The direct effect of advertising increased advertising is a reduction in short term earnings. To achieve a net increase in current earnings, the impact of advertising on sales and earning has to offset the direct reduction in earnings. 

Timing of advertising activities
By using monthly advertising data examine the timing of altering discretionary expenses. To minimize the deviation costs, manager much have information as possible about the difference between current firm performance and the desired earnings benchmark. The information which you gain is more complete towards the ends of a fiscal period, manager get more information to alter their real activities. To collect the given information managers don’t take enough time and they choose the real actions that require the least amount of lag time for execution. Advertising activities require shorter lag time between the decision and execution time.

The marketing approach
The focus of marketing research is to study the effect of advertising in the consumer mind set and market performance, marketing research also conclude that advertising changes consumer mindset ( such as cognition, affect and experience), and behavior. Short term advertising cause long term effects. In research it is noticed that short term advertising decays quickly. Decaying behavior may be due to the low attitude behavioral consistency. Fact that reinforcement and habitual loyalty effects are than the effect of advertising, marketing managers some times design advertising programme that solely to increase the brand awareness and improve the brand attitude without considering the instant sales of product. Advertising basically provide the knowledge and brand attitude. brand awareness is the brand exposer and experiences which is gain by the consumer, advertising provide the brand familiarity brand recognition improves future advertising effectiveness. 

success factors of motion pictures
There are  three groups movies drive has been identified by the extant research namely movie characteristics, post filming marketing studio actions and non marketing studio factors. Movie is based on the familiar story or other cultural element. The actions discussed include the movies budget, advertising expenditure, timing and the screens. The no of researchers have reported a positive correlation of movie budget with box office. studio distribution activities and more specifically their timing policy have also been shown to correlate with movie box office.non studio factors is product of high societal interest and involvement, movie success is also influenced by a number of factors over which the producing studio has no or only limited direct control.